jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

First IALP-MPI Post-Doctoral Summer School on European and Comparative Procedural Law

The first IAPL-MPI Post-Doctoral Summer School on European and Comparative Procedural Law, organized by the International Association of Procedural Law (IAPL) and the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, will take place in Luxembourg between the 20th and the 23rd of July 2014, under the direction of Professor Loïc Cadiet (Université Paris I -Sorbonne) and Professor Burkhard Hess (MPI Luxembourg).

The IAPL-MPI Post-Doctoral Summer School aims to bring together young post-doc researchers in European and comparative procedural law, as well as dispute resolution. It will give them an opportunity to openly exchange experiences and share their ideas with both young and experienced proceduralists. In this regard, Luxembourg is one of the most interesting judicial venues in Europe and offers many opportunities for exchanges between procedural theory and practice.
The participants to the School will present and discuss their research activities. Invited Law professors and practitioners will also make presentations on current topics related to the subject matter of the school.

Candidates shall submit a short paper (3-4 pages) in English on their research profile and briefly present the topic of their current research. They shall in addition submit a CV and a recommendation letter of their supervisor/home institution.

Applications shall be sent to the Institute (email address: summer-school (at)mpi.lu) not later than 15 March 2014.

Applicants are eligible for grants covering accommodation and living expenses.

For more information click here.

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